Friday, July 31, 2009

7/30/09: Today was the visit with the eye doctor. He agreed that he does not believe mama has an eye infection. He thinks there may be something going on with the nerves but isn't sure what or why so he has ordered an MRI for her. She has that appointment on Tuesday, and of course we know that usually takes a few days before we know anything on the results. Will update as we know more information. :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

07/29/09: There are only a few days left that the brothers (and sister in law) from Florida will be in Ocean City and their help will be missed. Hopefully we'll see them again soon for some fun times. Looking forward to that. Mama went to the eye doctor today and he felt she did not have an infection in the eye so she can stop the eye drops. At least that is one less thing she has to contend with. He felt the non movement of the eye may be caused by something to do with the nerves but that it was beyond his expertise so she is seeing another eye doctor tomorrow morning. On Monday she has an appointment with the chemo doctor (one of his associates) and then will follow up with the treatment for the bone marrow. The chemo doctor has agreed to administer the chemo that was recommended by Fox Chase. Evidently they have received some information comparing the two types of chemo. The one from Fox Chase appears to be superior over the other one and she will be treated with the one recommended by Fox Chase. Still no definite date on the start of that yet though. We have to keep in mind that although things seem to take so long, alot has been accomplished in the 5 weeks since she was diagnosed. It just doesn't seem to happen quick enough when it is someone you love and patience has not always been one of my best virtues anyway. I'm praying about that though. I will update tomorrow with any news from the doctor visit. Thanks for taking the time to read this and for your prayers.

Monday, July 27, 2009

07/27/09: Sickness and nausea seem to be a daily occurrence at this point but the main cause is believed to be due to the radiation. She completed the round of radiation this past Wednesday and received her certificate of completion. It had signatures from the staff with comments of completing it with courage and an outstanding attitude. What a happy day for her and all of us that she has that behind her. The final results are expected in approximately a month. It has helped her with the pain though. Hopefully she will be past the sickness soon too. She was able to get out Sat for a short wheelchair ride on the boardwalk. It was great for her to get out in the sun a little bit, smell the salty air and hear the screams of laughter coming from the kids playing in the sand and the water. We took pictures and had a great time. I'll try to put some pictures up on this soon. Sunday morning was uplifting as she was able to go to church for most of the service. It is so wonderful to see the loving relationship and support from her friends and church family. Everyone has continued to show the concern and love they have for her. The cards have continued to come in and being taped up on the walls making them a part of her living room decor. Soon they will expand to the dining room. She lights up when they come in. We are currently reading them to her as her left eye is closed at this time. The doctor believes she has an eye infection and prescribed some eye drops for it. She has an eye doctor appointment on Wed. There is a call into the chemo doctor to find out when the chemo will begin. The plan is still to use the chemo suggested by Fox Chase but to have it administered in her home area. Hopefully she will get some strength back and relief of the nausea and sickness prior to beginning the chemo. This past weekend she had all of her 5 children together (for only the 3rd time ever). We celebrated with a feast of shrimp and king crab legs on Fri night and then shrimp and lobster on Sat night. What a time, grilling out, talking and visiting with each other. Living in different areas it is seldom we all get together and have time to be a family but when we are able to it is nice reminiscing and laughing about old times. Thank you for your support to all of us. It is very uplifting and inspiring and showing us on a different level how to regard others in need. Please continue with your visits, thoughts and prayers for healing. We know all things are possible with the Lord.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

07/15/09: Mama has had several days of being nauseous and sick. This past Monday she started with a therapy called Zometa. This is to help strengthen the bones and reduce the chances of bone fracture and spinal cord compression. She gets this at the oncologist office interveniously. There are side effects like nausea, vomiting, bone pain and lack of appetite. She must take care to increase her fluid intake. Most of this time she has not felt like eating, getting up or talking on the phone. Yesterday however she ate throughout the day and had less nausea. She got a good night sleep too. There are 6 radiation treatments left. They should be getting a solid date soon of when the chemo will begin. One thing that I cannot say enough is how she enjoys the cards that everyone has been sending. Her bed is placed in the room so that she can see them throughout the day. Sometimes I walk in and think she is deep in thought and she smiles and says she is just looking at the cards. The Sunday school did a large poster wishing her well and the kids put stickers and pictures on it. It's hanging on the wall with the cards. While you may think as an individual it isn't much to send a card, you should be there when she opens them. We realize all the love she feels and catch a glimpse of joy on her face, just in knowing that people have taken the time to let her know how they care. Again, thank you. It is so supportive to her and it reinforces to us, the rest of the family, just how much she has touched so many lives. What an amazing gift to us. Please continue to keep her in your prayers for healing. Thank you

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

07/08/09: Good news. After a couple of rough days (Sun & Mon) in which mama was in quite a bit of pain they went to Fox Chase in Philly on Tues. The oncologist there was very friendly and mama liked him quite a bit. He was in agreement with the oncologist in Salisbury (which she also likes and feels confident about) on most everything except which type of chemo to prescribe. He suggested a different type that would be administered intravenously once a week. He had done a study and found that the results were better using this type. She can stay at home in OC and have the oncologist here give it to her. The two oncologists would initially work together to get that started. It appears at this point that her and Ross are leaning towards that choice. She was also told that she can do some light walking but no lifting or exercise at all. With that news her spirits were lifted and she was filled with hope again. When I arrived here last night she looked very good and was chatting and laughing and feeling so much better. Neither oncologist is looking at surgery on her kidney at this point. She would have to wait until she recovered to begin chemo and that would set her back quite a bit. They said they could opt for surgery later if they found it necessary. Her diet is to be a basic healthy diet. She continues the radiation on her spine and they are not addressing any other areas until this part is finished. The radiation dr feels it would be too much radiation to her body at once to do any more right now. She is very happy that she has some options, that the doctors are in agreement on a plan of treatment and she can be at home. That appointment made such a difference for her. She had a good night last night and this morning she is doing good too. I am so proud of her and how she is doing. Other than a couple of days she has stayed very positive thinking, eating well and doing all that she is able to. She does enjoy sitting on her porch. We got some fireworks for her to celebrate the 4th and she watched from the porch while Ross and Beth orchestrated the show and we even had a grand finale. We know how she loves to see the fireworks! She has all her cards taped on the walls in the living room so she can see them. Keep the prayers coming and thanks to everyone for all they are doing. The cards, the meals, the well wishes and the prayers. Thank you just doesn't seem like enough to say how much it is all appreciated-God Bless you all.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

07/02/09: There will be a prayer vigil held at mama's church tonight from 6:30 to 7:30. Prayer held in unity can be very powerful and answered. I know everyone is busy but please take a few moments during this time to lift her up for prayer.
07/02/09: Mama has had 2 radiation treatments at this point. The plan is for her to have them daily Mon thru Fri. She had a very good day yesterday. She has an appointment locally Mon, July 6 with the Medical Oncologist (chemo) and her appointment at Fox Chase will be on Tues, July 7. Nancy, her friend and part of her church family, has very graciously started a schedule for meals for mama and Ross. This morning we had breakfast on the porch and then just relaxed and talked for a while, enjoying the morning sun and nice breeze coming in through the screens. The craft show in Rochester has been cancelled but the ones in Lancaster and Gatlinburg are still pending. If you have any ideas or suggestions on how to help please forward to me as I am keeping a list.