Tuesday, June 30, 2009

06/30/09: Mama will be going to the Radiologist Oncologist this morning for her first radiation treatment. This is being done in the area of Ocean City. Information was sent to Fox Chase Cancer Center on Monday 6/29/09. Fox Chase is located in Philadelphia PA. Their evaluation should be complete within 48 hours and we are praying for some good news from them. For a little background on them, Fox Chase has received numerous awards and honors and has several doctors on staff that have received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry/Medicine. They have research and clinical trials at the Cancer Center. Please continue to pray and invite others to add Pat to their prayer chain. God Bless.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Pat's granddaughter Stacey posting here. First I want to say thank you to all of you reading along with us. We hope to keep you informed of my grandmother's progress as she begins this new chapter in her life. We thank you in advance for your prayers, encouragement and love. Pat's daughter Cindy will usually keep this site updated with the latest information. For now I will let you know that this morning we received the results of the biopsy performed last Tuesday. While there are tumors on Pat's spine, spots on her lungs, ribs and bones, the cancer originated in her kidney. Specialists are now discussing treatment and we are getting ready to pounce on this ugly disease.
I have been blessed to witness an amazing outpouring of love from neighbors and church family. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.
I have also witnessed an unshakable faith in my grandmother that is inspiring. Yet another time I will learn from her.